The mission of the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener volunteer program is to support Cornell Cooperative Extension by utilizing research-based information to educate the public on best practices in consumer horticulture and environmental stewardship.
Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners are volunteers who support Cornell Cooperative Extension's educational programs in consumer horticulture. They develop their horticultural expertise through participation in educational programs conducted by Cornell University faculty and Cooperative Extension staff. The county Extension Educator/coordinator provides diagnostic support for horticultural issues and questions to Master Gardener volunteers actively participating in the program. Extension publications, teaching materials, and other program support materials are provided as deemed appropriate by campus and county educators. Information presented by Master Gardeners must be consistent with Cornell Cooperative Extension recommendations concerning various aspects of consumer horticulture.
In New York State the master gardener program is a volunteer service program not a course or certificate.The Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) programs are managed individually by county CCE associations. Volunteer training occurs at different intervals for each county. Counties select volunteers as needed through an application process from their pool of residents of that county. It is rare that a county will select an applicant from another county.
Core horticulture training is the first requirement of the CCE Master Gardener Volunteer commitment, followed by an agreement to volunteer at the host county for one or more years for a specific number of hours. Once you stop volunteering you are no longer a master gardener as it is not a certificate program.
If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer in Erie County, please contact the CCE Erie County office at (716)652-5400
Last updated March 10, 2025