Applications are now being accepted by the Erie County Extension Foundation for the Jim Smith Memorial Scholarships for those students furthering their education at college, University, technical or vocational schools. Jim was an avid supporter of 4-H youth programs and the Erie County Fair livestock auctions. Scholarships are available to 4-H or FFA graduating seniors and continuing college students registering for the Fall semester. Several scholarships are expected to be awarded.
DEADLINE: April 2, 2025
High School Seniors & Students Entering Their First Year of College or Trade School
High School Seniors & Student Entering Their Fist Year of College or Trade School - Fillable PDF
College Students who are returning for their subsequent years of study
College Students who are returning for their subsequent years of study - Fillable PDF
Master Gardener Scholarship Information & Application
The purpose of the Erie County 4-H Paper Clover Scholarship is to provide financial assistance for 4-H leadership opportunities outside of Erie County for 4-H members who exhibit commitment to the Erie County 4-H Program and an interest in sharing their leadership experience with the 4-H community.
Only complete applications will be considered.
A complete application must include ONE letter of recommendation from an adult leader. This person may be a 4-H leader, teacher, coach, or other adult. It may NOT be an Erie County 4-H Educator or a family member.
Letters of recommendation may be completed online or turned in to the 4-H office separately.
Scholarships will be awarded at the discretion of the scholarship selection committee. The scholarship amount will be determined based on the number of qualified applicants.
Examples of leadership opportunities for which funds may be used:
4-H STEM Camp
Career Explorations
Shooting Sports Training—June
ABC at SUNY Cobleskill-TBD
Animal Crackers: May
Paper Clover Scholarship:
Paper Clover recommendation:
4-H Office
Last updated January 31, 2025