Call a chimney sweep for an inspection if you haven't used your fireplace in a year or more.
Winter Energy Saving Tips
The Furnace
Heating is by far one of our biggest energy expenses. It cost the
average low-income family around $482 a year. So, to save on heating
- Turn Your thermostat down five degrees
Each degree you lower it saves about 2%. That’s about $48 on a $482
heating bill if you try it all day. Wear a sweater if you’re chilly. And
install an automatic thermostat. It will do the work for you.
- Have a professional tune up and inspect your furnace once a year
This can save you up to 10% on your heating costs.
- If you have forced air heat, clean the filter each month
- If you have hot water or steam heat, check water levels
A furnace dealer can tell you how to add more water. Ask the dealer for more tips to make your system work better.
- Clean the area around your furnace
That lessens the chance of fire and improves airflow.
- Make sure heat can get into the room
Keep furniture and drapes from blocking radiators, heating registers and return vents.
Other Winter Tips:
- Use drapes
Where windows face the sun, keep drapes open in the day, but close all
drapes at night. Keeping shades drawn and drapes closed will make the
room more comfortable without any increase in energy use. By reducing
the chill from cold windows and reducing drafts, you’ll reduce heating
- Repair windows.
Even a crack drives fuel bills up. Got a loose window? Install weather stripping. It helps keep cold air out of the house.
- Install storm windows
and remember to put them down once winter begins. They improve the
comfort of the room and pay for themselves by keeping cold air out.
- Close storm doors
Seal air leaks by caulking and weather stripping doors. That keeps heat in ¾ and heating costs down.
- Install a programmable thermostat
Use it to automatically control the heat when you are not home and
overnight while you are sleeping. Setting it to turn down the heat when
you’re under the covers can cut heating costs.
Curbing Fireplace Costs:
- Buy “seasoned” wood
That means wood that has been allowed to dry out. Freshly cut wood has too much moisture to burn well.
- Using the dampers
Keep the damper closed when you aren’t using the fireplace.
- Reducing heat loss
Open dampers in the bottom of the firebox, slightly open the nearest
window, close doors leading to the room with your fireplace, and lower
the thermostat to between 50 and 55 degrees when the fire is lit.
- Haven’t used your fireplace in over a year?
Call a chimney sweep for an inspection and make all repairs before using it again.
Last updated March 23, 2021