t. 716.652.5400
f. 716.652.5073
e. erie@cornell.edu
w. erie.cce.cornell.edu

Conservation Tree & Shrub Seedling Sale


Soil and Water Conservation District Tree and Shrub Seedlings Available

The 2025 Conservation Seedling Program is under way! 

You can find the order form, plant descriptions and additional information at:


We are not able to accept orders through the website or by email; orders with payment (cash, check, money order) must be mailed to our office by the order deadline: February 28 . Please fill in your order on the third page of the order form and return only the third page - the first two pages are for your records

Please know that the District reserves a limited amount of plant stock from growers for the sale – order early for best results.We try out best to reserve enough stock to fulfill our local demand but please understand that the program is first-come, first-serve and we may run out of certain species, and we may not be able to get more.

For your information, sometimes growers have problems such as seed availability, poor growing season, insect pressure and/or or wildlife damage that can cause certain species to be inaccessible or unavailable. If you notice species we typically offer that are missing it is likely because of one of these issues.

If you order from the program you will get a confirmation mailing from us in mid-April detailing pickup date, site, time and procedure.

Thank you for your support of the Soil and Water Conservation District’s natural resources conservation programs and efforts!